年が明けてからオペ室のルールが変わった。今までは、手術開始前に"time out"といって、患者さんの名前・病名・体位・術式・アレルギーなどなどを術者がコールして、麻酔科医やナースが全員で" I agree"といってから、執刀を開始するというルールだった。たとえスタッフドクターが開頭前に来なくても、レジデントや僕のようなフェローで、途中まで進めておくことができた。しかし、年明けからスタッフドクターが麻酔導入前にオペ室に来て患者さんの確認をするというhuddle方式になった。これは相当に時間を取る。その場にいるレジデントやフェローと言っても担当する外科医だしその患者さんのことをよく知っている。それに加えて、ナース、麻酔科医少なくとも5人以上がその患者さんが誰であるかを確認しても、それでもなおスタッフが来ないと先に進めない。スタッフは忙しくてなかなか来ないし、仕事が滞って困るのだ。ルールが変わってからボスたちの機嫌が悪くて、こっちも辛いのだ。
Since the new year started, we have a new rule in the op rooms. Thus far, we were supposed to do "time out", which is for surgeons to call the patient's name, disease, position, procedure, allergies, and so on, and then anesthesiologists and nurses all call "I agree", before starting surgery. That means we could start the procedure and have it done halfway even if staff doctors don't make it to the starting time. But from this year, the huddle system has begun, that is, staff doctors must come before the induction to confirm the patients' name. This takes a while indeed. Actually, this is ridiculous. Everyone in the OR knows who the patient is because they are their doctors and nurses. Still and all, we have to have staff doctors check that again?
The same thing can be said to Japan. I think it is nonsense to put all responsibilities on doctors. If nurses or other professions have their own licenses, they should use them! When something happens, it always goes like "Ok, this has to be done by doctors from now". This sucks! In my previous hospitals, putting the name tag on a patient was a doctor's job because a nurse has put a wrong tag by mistake.