

Though it is the end of February, it has been snowing for the last few days. I am raring to play golf, so I am really frustrated with this weather. This morning, I have to excavate my car by removing much snow!

This is our apartment, which is also covered with snow.

We went to Kaiwa Club for the first time in about a year. Since we joined last time, we were kind of discouraged to go to the club. But we quit Marlene's English class last year, so we have been on the lookout for another chance to study English.

As we arrived Arabica in University circle, some people were already talking. We first met Y-san, and met Napa, Matt, Jeffery, and Claudia, who we already know. Today we got acquainted with Shanon. She used to study in Japan and speaks Japanese very well. She is a big fan of Japanese visual-kei bands. What surprised me is that she also knows Buck-Tick, which is a band I liked very much when I was a high school student.

We thought Y-san is great because she has been working very hard to improve her English. We have to keep studying as well...

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