


ボスがyuに、「どうyu? 母親になったら、両親への気持ちが何か変わった?」と聞くと、yuは「お母さんをもっと尊敬するようになったかも」と答えた。するとボスは今度はブラックに、「ottoが子どもを持ったわけだけど、ブラックはお母さんに対する気持ちが変わった?」と聞いていて、思わず吹き出した。こういう冗談はなんだか味わい深い。


Today was the 4th Thursday of November, that is, a thanksgiving day. This is the day to celebrate and be grateful for the year's harvest. This is similar to Oshougatsu for Japanese, when offices and schools are off for several days and families living apart gather to spend the time together.
My boss kindly invited us this year, again, so yu, ko, and me three visited his house. Ko got out for the first time except for his medical check, but he was incredibly quiet. Boss's dogs, Butter and Coco, were deeply interested in Ko, but Ko was laid down in the room they are not allowed to get in, which seemed to make them unhappy. Dr. and Mrs Lee, his sons Terry, Nick, and Ryan, and my colleague Burak and Jaeson were there.
My boss asked yu, "Having a baby affects your way of thinking of your parents in any way?" She said, "I kind of respect my Mom more". Next, he asked Burak, "Now that Otto has a baby, does this affect your way of thinking of your mother?". As soon as he finished saying, everyone burst into laughter. I like jokes like this. It's very pleasant.
Ko was really a good boy while he was at boss's house, but on arriving home, he started crying and has been crying during midnight, which was terrible. Seems like he already knows what it means to tactfully pretend a good person in public. He will go far in life!

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